film transfer

8mm film never had sound but all other types of film can have sound. 16mm and 35mm film can have magnetic or optical sound while super 8 can only have magnetic sound. There are a few rare 8mm film that had magnetic sound added to the film. We can get that sound too.

We can capture 8mm or Super 8 single or dual magnetic tracks, 16mm magnetic, 16mm optical and 35mm optical sound.

We can not capture any digital audio like Dolby Digital or Sony Dynamic Digital Sound.

Super 8 Magnetic sound

       Super 8 Sound Film Example

16mm optical sound

       16mm Sound Film Example

16mm sound film came in many different varieties. This is just one example. 16mm film with sound will only have sprocket holes on 1 side. The other side carries the sound strip. The sound strip can come in other colors like blue & silver. 


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film conversion 16mm film restoration